Friday, November 4, 2011

A living Masterpiece


       Have you ever had those days when you feel like you’re the most useless individual in the universe? I know I have. All most everything in society is set up so that one is lead to believe they are not quite good enough and to be good enough one must buy a particular product, wear certain clothing, or vacation in a certain place. Well, it is interesting to consider that in Ephesians 2:10 it says that those who belong to Jesus are considered to be God’s masterpiece. Now then, I look at myself and the word masterpiece is not the first word that comes to mind. However, knowing that this is what God sees in me makes me want to achieve all the good I can in every part of my life. After all if God thinks of us as masterpieces there must be massive potential for good that He has given to us. Let us go out in to our worlds and through our lives do all we can to show the masterpiece that God sees in us to the rest of the world.


God bless,


God Loves you!

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Sunday, October 30, 2011



     Today when reading Psalm 55:16-17 I was struck by the thought that one often turns to God in times of need. God of course hears our prayers and intervenes the way that is best for us. However, rarely does one hear about the group of people who are passionately praising God in their prayer life. Sometimes it seems like we only give a little bit of thanks giving compared to the amount of requests one sends up to Heaven. I am just as guilty of this as any other human. It just reminded me when reading the scriptures that I want to increase my praise and gratitude quantity. Smile.

     What are your thoughts on prayer? Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog.


May God bless you richly,


God Loves you!

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Living The Good Life


     Today I read a wonderful paraphrased version of Psalm 1:1-3. It made me think about how important it is to have good people in one’s life. The type of people who encourage one to follow the Christian walk with God. How easy it is to get caught up in meeting deadlines and trying to do what makes everyone happy. Truly, I believe that unless we are pleasing God first, there is little hope of making anyone else happy. The good news is that by keeping our focus on God and studying His word, God will help us to achieve what He feels is important for us. May we all let God’s light shine throughout our lives and out to the world. Amen.


God bless,


God Loves you!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Joy In Heaven


     Sometimes with all the blessings one receives from Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, one rarely thinks about what brings joy to the God head. Happily in Luke 15:7 it describes the fact that even one sinner that repents and is saved brings great rejoicing in Heaven. Isn’t that a beautiful thought? How encouraging that as Christians are bringing the gospel to sinners that we are also in part causing there to be happy angelic beings in Heaven.


May God bless you richly.


God Loves you!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Before The Throne

One of the main traditional beliefs of Christianity is that soon or later we will all find our selves before the throne of God. There we finally get to meet the one true God we have loved and adored our entire Christian life. Of course we believe in the mercy of God and His abundant love for all humanity. As Christians we also have our hope in Jesus that we will be blessed through Jesus in the next life.The song in the MP3 above gives a pleasant reminder of how wonderful it will be to be in the very presents of God. May we all live long, serve God well and be granted great blessings from God in the next life.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God Loves The Common People Too

Over the last few years I have heard an unusual comment from some church people. They people in question stated that they "wanted the right type of people coming to (their) church." It was clear from these comments that there were those who were unacceptable and those who met some type of standard of righteousness. that they were the appropriate type of people to come to church. How sad such comments should come from the mouths of Christians. Romans12:16 suggests that Christians should be happy dwelling together and going to church with each other no matter what our social standing. If one looks at the job descriptions of the people that Jesus called as disciples most of them were of the class that the rest of society looked down their noses at. These were the people who later literally gave up their lives in their love for Jesus and His church. Now that being said, there is nothing wrong with being blessed with having a good position in society. The trouble only comes when one feels they are better than someone else. May God bless us all with having love for all our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

God Is With Us

The truth is that God is with His people. This is evident in the words of Isaiah 41:10, where God says that His hand will hold up His people and that he will help and strengthen them.
     Sure historically the verses refer to the Israelites of long ago. However, we know that God loved all humanity so much that He sent Jesus to die for the sins of us all. Thus, it is reasonable that these promisses extend in some way to us in our current age. What an awesome thought that God loves us this much.

May God bless you always. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Harmony In The Church

     One of the beautiful ideals that churches try to live up to is that of living in harmony with one another. In the early days of the church Christians came from many different backgrounds. This gave plenty of opportunities for conflict.  Thus, the admonition in Romans 14:19 for the members to build each other up.

     In our modern day we still have people from many diverse backgrounds in our church. To make things even more challenging we have many different denominations of Christian churches. Thus, it is even more important to follow the advice of scripture to build each other up. Imagine a world where all Christians looked out for each other. How wonderful would that be?

     God bless,

God Loves you!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Peace From God

In Psalm 23 there is a beautiful picture of God providing a time and place of peace for His people. In the time when this psalm was written many of the people who heard it would have understood exactly what the needs of sheep were. In our modern age with many people living in cities the thought of sheep grazing  on green grass or needing calm waters is  a foreign concept. If the author of the psalm were to write the same message in modern terms it might look something like:
The Lord is my protector and provider. He gives me all my needs. He will watch over me all the days of my life. On the other hand he might express his feelings in song like the following MP3 recording.
Psalm 23
One thing is certain, God loves us and wants to have peace in our lives.
     May God bless you always.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Living In Confidence

     In our hurried lives it is easy to think that there is little that one can count on as being certain. The news reports wars, and bad news about the economy. Every day people are in fear of losing their jobs. what is there to count on any way? Well, the one thing that is certain is Jesus love for His people and God's love for all humanity. More about this can be found in:
The Redeemer: Reflections on the Life and Teachings of Jesus the Christ
     What about those who put their confidence in Jesus? Well, although all their problems do not magically disappear, as it suggests in Proverbs 28:1 honest people will be confident. If they are Christian's they can also live lives boldly with their faith in Jesus.
Source of the Light: A Witness and Testimony of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of AllRedeemer: Understanding the Meaning of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
     What a blessing to know that no matter what happens in one's life that there is an all powerful loving God the Father, Jesus the Savior, and the Holy Spirit watching out for us.
      May God bless you richly every day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Message


     I am excited to be able to share with you the Christian Traditions that are shared by millions of the followers of Jesus around the world. For now you may enjoy visiting some of the links below.


God Loves you!

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