Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God Loves The Common People Too

Over the last few years I have heard an unusual comment from some church people. They people in question stated that they "wanted the right type of people coming to (their) church." It was clear from these comments that there were those who were unacceptable and those who met some type of standard of righteousness. that they were the appropriate type of people to come to church. How sad such comments should come from the mouths of Christians. Romans12:16 suggests that Christians should be happy dwelling together and going to church with each other no matter what our social standing. If one looks at the job descriptions of the people that Jesus called as disciples most of them were of the class that the rest of society looked down their noses at. These were the people who later literally gave up their lives in their love for Jesus and His church. Now that being said, there is nothing wrong with being blessed with having a good position in society. The trouble only comes when one feels they are better than someone else. May God bless us all with having love for all our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

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